In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives into a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.

The Toltecs were known throughout southern Mexico as ‘women and men of knowledge.’ Anthropologists have spoken of the Toltec as a nation or a race. Still, the Toltec were scientists and artists who formed a society to explore and conserve the spiritual knowledge and practices of the ancient ones. They came together as masters (naguals) and students at Teotihuacan, the ancient city of pyramids outside Mexico City known as the place where ‘man becomes God.’

Over the millennia, the Toltec developed techniques and rituals to transcend ordinary awareness and enter into the domain of the spiritual master. They believed that, as children of God, we all have a sacred destiny to fulfill and a life to discover and share with the world. In his book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering.”

Ruiz goes on to explain the four agreements, which are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.

These agreements are presented as principles that, when followed, can lead to personal freedom, happiness, and love.

In the context of “The Four Agreements,” being impeccable with your word means speaking with integrity, saying only what you mean, and avoiding using words to speak against yourself or others. It involves using the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Power of the Word: Ruiz emphasizes the immense power that words hold. Words can create or destroy, uplift or demean, heal or harm. Our words have the power to shape our reality and the reality of those around us.

Self-Talk: Being impeccable with your words starts with how you talk to yourself. Many people engage in negative self-talk, criticizing themselves or doubting their abilities. Ruiz encourages us to use our words to uplift ourselves, to speak kindly and lovingly to ourselves.

Speaking Truth: Being impeccable with your word means speaking truthfully and authentically. It means avoiding gossip, lies, and exaggerations. It also means not making promises you can’t keep.

Impact on Others: Our words not only affect ourselves but also have a profound impact on others. Being impeccable with your word means using your words to spread love, kindness, and encouragement. It means being aware of the impact your words have on others and using them wisely.

Integrity: Being impeccable with your word requires integrity. It means aligning your words with your actions and living by your values. It means being honest and sincere in all your interactions.

Forgiveness: If you’ve been using your words in harmful ways, it’s never too late to change. Being impeccable with your word also involves forgiving yourself for past mistakes and committing to speaking with integrity moving forward.

Practice: Being impeccable with your word is a practice that requires mindfulness and awareness. It involves paying attention to the words you speak and the intentions behind them. It’s not always easy, but it’s essential for living a life of authenticity and integrity.

By being impeccable with your word, you can transform your relationships, enhance your self-esteem, and create a more loving and harmonious world. It’s the first step on the path to personal freedom and happiness outlined in “The Four Agreements.”

The Second Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally

External Events: Ruiz begins by explaining that much of the suffering we experience in life comes from taking things personally. He emphasizes that nothing others do is because of us. What people say and do is a projection of their reality, their dream. When we take things personally, we assume responsibility for other people’s actions and words, which leads to unnecessary suffering.

Freedom from Assumptions: By not taking things personally, we free ourselves from the burden of making assumptions about other people’s intentions. Often, when someone says or does something, we interpret it based on our own experiences, beliefs, and insecurities. However, these interpretations are often inaccurate and lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Self-Importance: Ruiz explores the concept of self-importance, which is the belief that everything is about us. When we take things personally, we are essentially saying that we are the center of the universe and that everything revolves around us. This mindset is a source of unnecessary suffering and prevents us from forming genuine connections with others.

Emotional Detachment: To avoid taking things personally, Ruiz suggests cultivating emotional detachment. This involves recognizing that other people’s actions and words are a reflection of their internal state, not a reflection of our worth or value. By detaching ourselves emotionally from other people’s opinions and behaviors, we can maintain inner peace and serenity.

Self-Love and Acceptance: Ruiz emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance in not taking things personally. When we truly love and accept ourselves, we are less affected by external validation or criticism. We recognize our inherent worth and value regardless of what others say or do.

Compassion and Empathy: By not taking things personally, we can also cultivate greater compassion and empathy for others. Instead of reacting defensively or judgmentally to someone’s words or actions, we can seek to understand their perspective and respond with kindness and understanding.

Practice: Not taking things personally is a practice that requires mindfulness and self-awareness. It involves recognizing when we are tempted to take things personally and consciously choosing to respond with compassion and detachment instead. Over time, this practice can lead to greater inner peace and freedom from unnecessary suffering.

By embracing the second agreement and refusing to take things personally, we can free ourselves from the opinions and judgments of others, cultivate greater self-love and acceptance, and create more harmonious relationships and interactions.

The Third Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions

Nature of Assumptions: Ruiz begins by explaining that making assumptions is a common human tendency that often leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and suffering. Assumptions are beliefs or interpretations we make about people, situations, or events without having all the facts or evidence. They are based on our perceptions, experiences, and biases, rather than objective reality.

Communication Breakdown: One of the primary consequences of making assumptions is communication breakdown. When we assume we know what someone else is thinking or feeling without actually asking them, we are likely to misinterpret their words or actions. This can lead to conflicts, resentments, and damaged relationships.

Seeking Clarification: To avoid making assumptions, Ruiz emphasizes the importance of seeking clarification and asking questions. Instead of jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information, we should communicate openly and honestly with others. This means expressing our thoughts, feelings and needs clearly and listening actively to others without making assumptions about their intentions.

Assumption of Agreement: Ruiz also highlights the danger of assuming agreement in relationships. Often, we assume that others share our beliefs, values, and expectations without actually discussing them openly. This can lead to misunderstandings and unmet expectations. Instead, we should communicate openly and honestly with others to ensure mutual understanding and agreement.

Personal Responsibility: Taking personal responsibility for our assumptions is another key aspect of the third agreement. Instead of blaming others for our misunderstandings or disappointments, we should recognize that our assumptions are our creations. By taking ownership of our assumptions, we can empower ourselves to change our perceptions and behaviors.

Clarity and Understanding: By avoiding assumptions and seeking clarity in our communication, we can foster greater understanding and connection in our relationships. When we approach interactions with curiosity and openness, we create space for genuine dialogue and empathy. This allows us to build trust, resolve conflicts, and strengthen our connections with others.

Practice: Like the other agreements, not making assumptions is a practice that requires mindfulness and awareness. It involves questioning our assumptions, challenging our beliefs, and being willing to admit when we are wrong. By practicing the third agreement, we can cultivate greater clarity, understanding, and harmony in our relationships and interactions.

By embracing the third agreement and committing to not making assumptions, we can enhance our communication skills, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and cultivate deeper and more meaningful connections with others.

The Fourth Agreement: Always Do Your Best

Commitment to Excellence: Ruiz begins by emphasizing the importance of always doing your best in every situation. Regardless of the circumstances or the outcome, committing to doing your best is essential for personal growth, fulfillment, and integrity.

Embracing Imperfection: Doing your best doesn’t mean being perfect. Ruiz acknowledges that perfection is unattainable and that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Instead, doing your best means giving your maximum effort and attention to whatever you are doing in the present moment.

Acceptance of Limitations: It’s important to recognize and accept your limitations while striving to do your best. Each person has unique strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities, and it’s essential to work within your capacity while pushing yourself to grow and improve.

Non-Comparison: Ruiz warns against comparing yourself to others when striving to do your best. Each person’s journey is unique, and comparing yourself to others only leads to feelings of inadequacy or superiority. Instead, focus on your progress and growth, and celebrate your achievements no matter how small.

Effort Over Outcome: The fourth agreement encourages a focus on effort rather than outcome. While achieving success or reaching your goals is important, what ultimately matters is the effort and intention you put into your actions. By doing your best, you can feel satisfied and fulfilled regardless of the outcome.

Mindfulness and Presence: Doing your best requires mindfulness and presence in the present moment. It means giving your full attention and energy to whatever task or situation is at hand, without being distracted by worries about the past or future.

Self-Love and Self-Compassion: Ruiz emphasizes the importance of self-love and self-compassion in doing your best. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, and recognize that you are doing the best you can with the resources and knowledge you have at any given moment.

Consistency and Practice: Doing your best is a lifelong practice that requires consistency and commitment. It’s not always easy, and there will be times when you fall short of your expectations. However, by continuing to strive for excellence and learning from your experiences, you can gradually improve and grow.

Integration with the Other Agreements: The fourth agreement is closely connected to the other three agreements. Being impeccable with your word, not taking anything personally, and not making assumptions all contribute to creating the conditions for doing your best in every aspect of your life.

By embracing the fourth agreement and committing to always doing your best, you can cultivate a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and integrity in everything you do.

The Toltec Path to Freedom: Breaking Old Agreements

Understanding Toltec Wisdom: Ruiz draws upon ancient Toltec wisdom, a Mesoamerican culture known for its spiritual teachings and practices. The Toltecs were masters of transformation who believed in living a life of authenticity, freedom, and happiness.

The Dream of the Planet: According to Toltec philosophy, humans live in a collective dream, which Ruiz calls the “Dream of the Planet.” This dream is a shared belief system composed of societal norms, cultural conditioning, and personal beliefs that shape our perceptions and experiences.

Old Agreements: Within the Dream of the Planet, individuals adopt “agreements” or beliefs about themselves, others, and the world around them. These agreements are often based on fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs passed down through generations. Examples of old agreements include: “I’m not good enough,” “I have to please others to be loved,” and “I must always be perfect.”

Domestication: Ruiz describes how individuals are “domesticated” by society from a young age, taught to conform to societal expectations, and adopt the beliefs and behaviors of those around them. This domestication leads to the internalization of old agreements, which govern thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Breaking Old Agreements: The key to personal freedom, according to Ruiz, lies in breaking free from old agreements and reclaiming our true selves. This process involves questioning the validity of our beliefs, challenging societal conditioning, and releasing patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve us.

Awareness and Consciousness: Breaking old agreements requires awareness and consciousness. It involves becoming mindful of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and recognizing when we are operating from old agreements rather than authenticity. Through self-awareness, we can begin to dismantle old patterns and choose new ways of being.

Embracing Personal Responsibility: Ruiz emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for our lives. By acknowledging that we have the power to choose our beliefs and actions, we can break free from victimhood and reclaim our inherent power and agency.

The Journey of Transformation: Breaking old agreements is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and transformation. It requires courage, perseverance, and a commitment to personal growth. However, by aligning with our true selves and living by the four agreements, we can experience greater joy, fulfillment, and freedom in every aspect of our lives.

Overall, “The Toltec Path to Freedom: Breaking Old Agreements” offers a profound framework for transcending societal conditioning, reclaiming personal power, and living a life of authenticity and purpose.

The New Dream: Heaven on Earth, Prayers

Transitioning to the New Dream: Ruiz introduces the idea of transitioning from the “Old Dream” of the planet to the “New Dream” of creating heaven on earth. The Old Dream is characterized by fear, conflict, and suffering, while the New Dream represents a paradigm shift toward love, harmony, and unity.

Heaven on Earth: In the New Dream, individuals strive to create a world where love reigns supreme, and where every interaction is rooted in kindness, compassion, and understanding. Heaven on earth is not a distant utopia but a present reality that can be manifested through conscious intention and action.

Prayers: Ruiz introduces the concept of prayers as tools for manifesting the New Dream. Prayers are not petitions to an external deity but affirmations of our desires and intentions. Through prayers, we align ourselves with the energy of creation and invite divine guidance and support in co-creating heaven on earth.

The Power of Intention: Prayers harness the power of intention, the conscious direction of energy towards a desired outcome. When we pray, we focus our thoughts, emotions, and actions toward manifesting our intentions, thereby influencing the fabric of reality itself.

Affirmations: Prayers can take the form of affirmations, positive statements that declare our intentions as if they were already true. By affirming our desires with conviction and clarity, we activate the creative power of the universe and invite synchronicities and opportunities to manifest our dreams.

Living in Alignment: Living in alignment with our prayers involves embodying the qualities and values we wish to see reflected in the world. It means cultivating love, kindness, and gratitude in our thoughts, words, and deeds, and extending compassion to ourselves and others.

Co-Creation: The New Dream is a collective endeavor that requires the participation of all beings. Through co-creation, we join forces with others who share our vision of heaven on earth and work together to manifest our shared dreams and aspirations.

Gratitude and Surrender: Prayers are also expressions of gratitude and surrender, acknowledging the abundance and blessings present in our lives and trusting in the divine intelligence of the universe. By surrendering our attachments and expectations, we open ourselves to receive the highest good and align with the flow of life.

Transformation and Healing: Prayers have the power to facilitate transformation and healing on both individual and collective levels. They provide a pathway for releasing old wounds and limiting beliefs, and inviting in the energy of love and healing to restore balance and wholeness.

Overall, “The New Dream: Heaven on Earth, Prayers” offers a vision of a world transformed by love and consciousness, where every thought, word, and action is infused with the energy of creation. Through prayers, affirmations, and conscious intention, we can actively participate in co-creating a reality that reflects the highest aspirations of the human spirit.


The conclusion of “The Four Agreements” emphasizes how these agreements can transform our lives for the better. By being truthful, not taking things personally, avoiding assumptions, and always doing our best, we can find personal freedom and fulfillment. These principles can heal past wounds, improve relationships, and lead to a more authentic and joyful existence. Embracing conscious living and applying these agreements in all areas of life can create a new reality based on love and integrity. The author expresses gratitude for the journey of self-discovery and invites readers to break free from old patterns and live in alignment with their true selves.

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