“Who Will Cry When You Die?” is a book written by Robin Sharma, offering insights and practical wisdom on how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. In the introduction, Sharma sets the tone for the book by posing a thought-provoking question: Who will cry when you die? This question catalyzes readers to reflect on the legacy they are creating and the impact they are having on the world. Through a series of life lessons and principles, Sharma encourages readers to live with purpose, passion, and compassion, ultimately inspiring them to leave a positive mark on the world.

Discover Your Calling: Remember the impact you leave on the world matters more than anything else. Find your purpose, embrace your talents, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Every Day, be Kind to a Stranger: Small acts of kindness can have a big impact. Whether it’s a smile, a kind word, or a helpful gesture, enriching someone else’s day enriches yours too.

Maintain Your Perspective: Shift your perspective in difficult times. What seems negative might have a positive aspect. Remember, life is short, so focus on enjoying the journey.

Practice Tough Love: Self-discipline is key to success and fulfillment. Make deliberate choices aligned with your goals, even when it’s tough. It’s about doing what’s right, not just what’s easy.

Keep a Journal: Writing down your experiences and reflections helps you grow wiser each day. It fosters self-awareness, clarity of intention, and personal growth.

Develop an Honesty Philosophy: Honesty builds trust and credibility. Be truthful in your words and actions, even if it’s challenging. Integrity paves the way for meaningful relationships and personal fulfillment.

Honor Your Past: Learn from your past experiences, but don’t dwell on them. Use setbacks as opportunities for growth and stay focused on creating a brighter future.

Start Your Day Well: The first moments of your day set the tone. Take time for quiet reflection, focus on positivity, and engage in activities that nourish your soul.

Learn to Say No Gracefully: Prioritize your time and energy on what truly matters. Saying no to distractions allows you to focus on your areas of excellence and make meaningful contributions.

Take a Weekly Sabbatical: Set aside time each week for rest, reflection, and rejuvenation. Disconnect from the busyness of life to reconnect with yourself and the simple joys that matter most.

Talk to Yourself: The power of self-talk can shape our reality and attract happiness and prosperity. By choosing positive phrases, known as mantras, and repeating them throughout the day, we can improve our inner dialogue and reshape our lives.

Schedule Worry Breaks: Worrying can consume our lives, but setting aside specific times to worry, known as “worry breaks,” can help manage stress. During these times, focus on your problems, but afterward, engage in productive activities to shift your mindset.

Model a Child: Children have a natural ability to focus on the good in life. Emulating their qualities can help us stay energized and imaginative. By focusing on positivity, we can shape our destiny.

Remember, Genius Is 99 Percent Inspiration: True genius comes from inspiration and a commitment to making a difference. By seeking inspiration in our lives and dedicating ourselves to meaningful pursuits, we can enrich both ourselves and the world.

Care for the Temple: Our bodies are sacred and should be treated as such. Regular exercise not only improves physical health but also enhances mental clarity and reduces stress.

Learn to Be Silent: Solitude and silence are essential for restoring balance and perspective in our lives. Taking time to be still allows us to reconnect with ourselves and prioritize what truly matters.

Think About Your Ideal Neighborhood: Reflecting on the qualities of people we admire can help us identify our own values and traits. This exercise helps us define our life vision and work towards becoming the person we want to be.

Get Up Early: Rising early provides quiet, uninterrupted time for self-care and personal growth. By starting the day with purpose and discipline, we can set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

See Your Troubles as Blessings: Challenges and setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning. By reframing our perspective, we can transform obstacles into stepping stones toward success.

Laugh More: Laughter is a powerful tool for improving mood, creativity, and overall well-being. Surrounding ourselves with humor and finding joy in everyday life can elevate our spirits and reduce stress.

Spend a Day Without Your Watch: The author recounts a day where they left their watch at home and lived spontaneously, enjoying simple pleasures like walking in the woods and reading. They reflect on the wisdom of Thoreau’s “Walden,” emphasizing living deliberately and embracing the present moment.

Take More Risks: Encourages embracing risks and facing fears to live life to the fullest. Success often lies beyond fear, and taking risks leads to growth and abundance. Wise choices involve daring greatly and pursuing opportunities with courage.

Live a Life: Kevin Costner’s response to life’s ups and downs inspires acceptance of life’s challenges as part of the journey. Rather than resisting adversity, accept it as integral to personal growth and experience each circumstance fully.

Learn from a Good Movie: Reflect on the profound impact of movies, citing “Life Is Beautiful” as a reminder of life’s preciousness and the importance of making the best of every situation. Movies can inspire, restore perspective, and ignite enthusiasm.

Bless Your Money: Advises blessing money as it circulates, spreading positivity and abundance. Acknowledging the contributions of others in the exchange of goods and services fosters gratitude and abundance consciousness.

Focus on the Worthy: Shares a CEO’s realization about prioritizing essential tasks over distractions, leading to a more fulfilling life. Emphasizes the importance of focus and high-leverage activities for success.

Write Thank-You Notes: Stresses the significance of expressing gratitude through handwritten thank-you notes. Simple gestures like these nurture relationships and demonstrate thoughtfulness.

Always Carry a Book with You: Highlights the value of reading and lifelong learning. Carrying a book provides opportunities for personal growth and intellectual stimulation during idle moments.

Create a Love Account: Encourages daily acts of kindness and expressions of love to deepen relationships and spread joy. Small gestures have a profound impact on happiness and fulfillment.

Get Behind People’s Eyeballs: Emphasizes the importance of active listening and understanding others’ perspectives. Listening deeply fosters trust, connection, and meaningful relationships.

List Your Problems: Writing down your problems can provide relief by taking them out of your mind and putting them on paper, helping you gain perspective and tackle them more effectively.

Practice the Action Habit: Acting on knowledge is where true power lies. Doing what you know you should do, rather than what’s easy, builds character and leads to personal growth.

See Your Children as Gifts: Children grow up quickly, so cherish the time you have with them. They are miracles of life, deserving of your attention and love.

Enjoy the Path, Not Just the Reward: Goals are important, but the real value lies in the person you become while striving for them. Celebrate your growth and progress along the way.

Remember That Awareness Precedes Change: You can’t change what you’re not aware of. Recognize your weaknesses and actively seek solutions to overcome them.

Read “Tuesdays with Morrie”: This book offers valuable life lessons about gratitude, forgiveness, and the meaning of life. It reminds us to appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

Master Your Time: Time is a precious commodity, so manage it wisely. Invest your time in activities that align with your goals and values.

Keep Your Cool: Maintaining composure in difficult situations is a sign of strength. Choose your words carefully and practice patience to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Recruit a Board of Directors: Seek guidance from wise individuals, living or deceased, to help solve problems and make better decisions.

Cure Your Monkey Mind: Practice mindfulness to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment. Developing this skill will lead to greater clarity and peace of mind.

Get Good at Asking: This lesson emphasizes the importance of asking for what you want in life. It uses examples to illustrate how opportunities can be missed by not asking. By practicing the art of asking, you increase your chances of getting what you want.

Look for the Higher Meaning of Your Work: Instead of just working for a paycheck, seek meaning in your job. By understanding how your work impacts others, you can find fulfillment and motivation.

Build a Library of Heroic Books: Reading can transform your life. The lesson recommends reading “heroic” books—those that contain wisdom and inspiration—to improve your character and perspective.

Develop Your Talents: Don’t let your potential go to waste. Focus on developing your strengths rather than dwelling on weaknesses. Recognize the unique gifts you possess and nurture them.

Connect with Nature: Spending time in nature can restore your spirit and creativity. It encourages observing and appreciating the beauty of the natural world, providing a sense of peace and inspiration.

Use Your Commute Time: Make the most of your daily commute by listening to educational audiobooks or podcasts. Turn your car into a mobile university to learn and grow during otherwise idle time.

Go on a News Fast: Limit exposure to negative news to maintain mental peace and focus on positive pursuits. By being selective about the information you consume, you can cultivate a more serene and purposeful mindset.

Get Serious About Setting Goals: Setting clear goals helps you focus, recognize opportunities, and commit to action. By defining your objectives, you can make informed choices and progress toward your aspirations.

Remember the Rule of 21: It takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Understanding this can help you persevere through the initial discomfort of change and stay committed to positive habits for long-term growth.

Practice Forgiveness: Forgiving others is not just an act of kindness but also a means of freeing yourself from negativity and resentment. Letting go of grudges allows you to move forward with greater peace and openness to positive experiences.

Drink Fresh Fruit Juice: The foods we consume affect our mood and clarity of thought. Opting for light, nutritious foods can improve energy levels and mental focus. Investing in a juicer and enjoying fresh fruit juice daily can enhance vitality and overall well-being.

Create a Pure Environment: Our surroundings influence our thoughts and emotions. Improving the quality of our personal environment can positively impact our mindset. Surrounding ourselves with positivity, such as fresh flowers or inspiring decor, can lead to a more serene and productive mindset.

Walk in the Woods: Spending time in nature, particularly walking in the woods, has numerous benefits for mental and physical health. It provides an opportunity for introspection, relaxation, and rejuvenation, leading to increased alertness and vitality.

Get a Coach: Having a mentor or coach can significantly enhance personal and professional growth. Learning from the experiences and guidance of others can accelerate progress and help navigate challenges more effectively.

Take a Mini-Vacation: Taking short breaks to relax and mentally escape can refresh and rejuvenate the mind. Even brief moments of visualization or mental relaxation can have profound effects on overall well-being.

Become a Volunteer: Giving back to others through volunteering fosters gratitude and perspective. It reminds us of the abundance in our lives and provides an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Find Your Six Degrees of Separation: Recognizing our interconnectedness with others can open doors to new opportunities and connections. Maintaining awareness of our network and actively seeking out connections can lead to valuable relationships and experiences.

Listen to Music Daily: Music has the power to uplift mood and enhance well-being. Incorporating music into daily routines can promote relaxation, inspiration, and joy.

Write a Legacy Statement: Reflecting on our life’s purpose and legacy can provide clarity and direction. Crafting a legacy statement helps articulate the impact we wish to have on the world and can guide decisions and actions toward fulfilling that vision.

Find Three Great Friends: Cultivating meaningful friendships enriches life and provides support and companionship. Building strong connections requires effort and vulnerability but yields invaluable rewards in terms of happiness and fulfillment.

Embrace Creativity: The book “The Artist’s Way” teaches that everyone is creative, regardless of their profession. By unlocking our creativity through exercises and exploration, we can lead more fulfilling lives.

Learn to Meditate: Meditation isn’t just for monks; it’s a valuable practice for everyone. By quieting the mind through meditation, we can find inner peace and improve our focus, leading to more fulfilling relationships and work.

Have a Living Funeral: Reflecting on our mortality daily can help us live each day to the fullest. By acknowledging the passage of time, we can prioritize what truly matters and live with greater purpose.

Stop Complaining and Start Living: Take responsibility for your life and choices. Instead of complaining, seize opportunities and make the most of your time. Your mindset and actions determine your happiness and success.

Increase Your Value: Your worth is determined by the value you bring to the world. Invest in yourself, acquire new skills, and think differently to become more valuable and achieve greater success.

Be a Better Parent: Parenting is a privilege and responsibility. Invest time and effort in improving your parenting skills to raise thoughtful, caring, and wise children.

Be Unorthodox: Don’t conform to societal norms blindly. Follow your heart, be yourself, and take the road less traveled to find true success and fulfillment.

Carry a Gold Card: Set clear life goals and deadlines to stay focused on what truly matters. Revisit your goals regularly to maintain clarity and discipline in pursuing them.

Be More than Your Moods: You are not your thoughts or moods; you are the creator of them. Choose positive thoughts and moods to shape your experiences and improve your life.

Savor the Simple Stuff: Find joy in life’s simple pleasures and moments. Treasure memories of meaningful experiences rather than material possessions, as they add more value to your life.

Stop Condemning: Instead of criticizing and condemning others, appreciate diversity and respect differences. Focus on personal growth before seeking to change others.

See Your Day as Your Life: Every day contributes to the quality of your life. Live intentionally and passionately, making the most of each day.

Create a Master Mind Alliance: Form a group with like-minded individuals to support each other’s goals and share knowledge.

Create a Daily Code of Conduct: Establish values and vows to live by, reminding yourself of your priorities each day.

Imagine a Richer Reality: Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth, improving your thinking to improve your life.

Become the CEO of Your Life: Take control of your life rather than leaving things to chance, acting as the catalyst for your own dreams.

Be Humble: Practice humility, respect others, and remain open to learning from others.

Don’t Finish Every Book You Start: Be selective about what you read, and don’t feel obligated to finish every book if it doesn’t provide value.

Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself: Accept that mistakes are part of growth, learn from them, and move forward without being overly critical of yourself.

Make a Vow of Silence: Practice silence to build willpower, discipline, and clear thought.

Don’t Pick Up the Phone Every Time It Rings: The telephone is for your convenience, not your caller’s. Rather than rushing to answer every call, embrace voicemail. It allows you to answer when it suits you, freeing you to focus on more important things.

Remember That Recreation Must Involve Re-Creation: After a long day, it’s tempting to veg out in front of the TV, but true recreation should rejuvenate you. Engage in activities that restore your energy and optimism, connecting you to your inner self.

Choose Worthy Opponents: To stay motivated and passionate, keep setting higher goals after achieving one. Challenging yourself with worthy opponents pushes you to grow and reach your full potential.

Sleep Less: Quality of sleep matters more than quantity. Reflect on times when you thrived on less sleep, and strive for a rich, deep rest rather than simply more hours in bed.

Have a Family Mealtime: Create a tradition of daily family meals to reconnect and share stories. It doesn’t have to be dinner; find a time that works for your family to bond over food and conversation.

Become an Imposter: Act as the person you want to become, and eventually, you’ll embody those qualities. Studies show that behavior influences thoughts, so “fake it till you make it” can lead to genuine change.

Take a Public Speaking Course: Fear of public speaking is common but conquerable with preparation and practice. Taking a course can provide the skills and confidence needed to overcome this fear.

Stop Thinking Tiny Thoughts: Nurture your mind with great thoughts and dare to dream big. Limiting beliefs hold you back, so challenge them and pursue your dreams boldly.

Don’t Worry About Things You Can’t Change: Use the Serenity Prayer as a guide to distinguish between worries you can control and those you can’t. Focus on what you can change and let go of what you can’t.

Learn How to Walk: Walking can be a meditative practice if done with intention. Leave worries behind, immerse yourself in nature, and reconnect with the wonderment of the world around you.

Rewrite Your Life Story: Time is a gift that always offers new opportunities. No matter what’s happened in the past, each new hour is a fresh chance to make the most of life. You have the power to rewrite your life story starting now. Take control, change your narrative, and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Plant a Tree: Ancient wisdom suggests that a fulfilling life involves having a child, writing a book, and planting a tree. Planting a tree connects you to the passage of time and the rhythms of nature. It’s a living legacy that marks your growth and experiences.

Find Your Place of Peace: Everyone needs a sanctuary where they can find solace amidst life’s chaos. Whether it’s a quiet corner at home or a bench in the park, having a peaceful place allows you to recharge and reflect. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being by spending time in your sanctuary regularly.

Take More Pictures: Life is worth recording, and photographs capture precious memories. Start documenting the best moments of your life, big or small. Invest in disposable cameras and keep them handy to capture unexpected joys. Years from now, these photos will serve as a cherished reminder of a life well-lived.

Be an Adventurer: Inject excitement into your life by embracing new experiences and challenges. Make a list of adventures you’ve always wanted to try and commit to tackling one each month. Rediscover the wonder and thrill of life by venturing beyond your comfort zone.

Decompress Before You Go Home: Transition from work to home life smoothly by taking a few minutes to decompress. Park your car before entering your house and use this time to relax and refocus. By clearing your mind and recentering yourself, you’ll be better equipped to engage with your loved ones.

Respect Your Instincts: Trust your intuition and inner wisdom, even when the world pressures you to conform. As you grow older, learn to listen to the quiet voice that guides you toward the right path. Your instincts become stronger when you live with purpose and alignment with your true self.

Collect Quotes That Inspire You: Build a collection of quotes from wise thinkers and leaders that resonate with you. These quotes serve as sources of inspiration and guidance during challenging times. Surround yourself with these words of wisdom to stay focused on what truly matters in life.

Love Your Work: Find joy and fulfillment in your professional endeavors by pursuing work that excites and challenges you. When your job feels like play, you’ll never work a day in your life. Embrace your passion and pour your heart into your work to experience true happiness and satisfaction.

Selflessly Serve: Shift your focus from chasing success to creating significance through service to others. Dedicate yourself to making a positive impact on the world and adding value to people’s lives. True fulfillment comes from selfless acts of kindness and generosity.

Live Fully so You Can Die Happy: Don’t wait until the end of life to discover its meaning. Embrace a life of purpose, filled with meaningful pursuits and connections.

Each lesson encourages embracing life fully, finding purpose, and making a positive impact on the world. It’s about living authentically, with passion, and leaving a legacy of love and service.


“Who Will Cry When You Die?” Robin Sharma emphasizes the importance of living a life of purpose and significance. He encourages readers to reflect on the legacy they want to leave behind and to consider the impact they are having on the world. Sharma emphasizes the value of living with passion, compassion, and a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. He leaves readers with the powerful message that life is not about accumulating possessions or achievements, but rather about living with meaning and making a positive impact on the world.

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